Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Public Service Oversight and Petitions

Role and Functions: Office of the Ombudsman

4:10 pm

Photo of Susan O'KeeffeSusan O'Keeffe (Labour)
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I thank the Ombudsman for his presentation and the casebook. On the Chair's point about standardised cases, is the Ombudsman allowed to advertise his services? By that I mean in a coherent way, not on the back of a bus.

Mr. Tyndall referred to the difficulties in respect of clinical judgment. Was he effectively calling for an ombudsman for the HSE or did I misinterpret him?

It is great to see how the cases have been laid out, for example, assistance provided, outcomes upheld and outcomes not upheld. This may be a ridiculous question, but is there a statistic to show whether more cases across Europe are upheld than not upheld? Have the processes been researched? Having read the material supplied, I can see why some people came to the Ombudsman and why, on another day, he would have upheld their complaints but that he could not in other instances because of the constraints stemming from the frameworks where their complaints started. Maybe there is no research into this matter.