Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform

Pre-Budget Submissions: Discussion (Resumed)

3:10 pm

Ms Yvonne O'Sullivan:

FLAC is carrying out a shadow report under the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, similar to the examination that has taken place over the past two days. The shadow report is based on a process of engagement and consultation with civil society across the country. It is hoped that the first draft of the report will be available in the next few weeks, with the final report compiled and sent to the relevant committee by the end of September. As I understand it, 1 October is the official deadline. While a date for the final examination has not been set it will most likely take place in May 2015.

On equality budgeting, FLAC favours a human rights approach to budgeting.

We are a human rights organisation seeking access to justice for all. Equality is definitely part of this. We held an event last year in conjunction with the equality budgeting campaign so many budgeting elements overlap in these concepts. We believe the framework of human rights law already exists and only needs to be used and implemented in the budgetary process. The process needs to be more open, transparent and participative. We feel impact assessments are necessary to ensure better decisions are made and see that a particular group in society is not affected disproportionately by budget cuts. We hope all Departments will carry out social impact assessments, as the Department of Social Protection currently does. Unfortunately the Department of Social Protection does this after the budget, more as a statement than as a process.