Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection
Support for Young People with Disabilities: WALK and Carers Association
2:05 pm
Ms Clare Duffy:
Perhaps I can take the question around increasing the age for domiciliary care allowance up to 18 years. I have always been supportive of increasing the age limit because the disability allowance is essentially an adult payment. When a child with a disability reaches the age of 16, one is essentially saying they should apply for an adult payment. The Senator asked earlier at what point we are telling children or young people with a disability they are not suited to employment. The disability allowance is a payment for people who cannot participate in employment because of their disability. That is a critical transition point. As I recall, budget 2012 proposed that the age be raised from 16 to 18 years, but it was done in tandem with a reduction in disability allowance to €100. My understanding is that parents were upset about the reduction in disability allowance and not necessarily the increase in the age limit. I was involved in the national review committee for domiciliary care allowance where we discussed this issue. Many of the parents groups went back and consulted parents. Parents overwhelmingly supported an increase in the age limit. I think it is wrong to give a 16 year old child an adult payment.