Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform

Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process: (Resumed) Permanent TSB and AIB

12:55 pm

Mr. David Duffy:

It is a fair challenge and this is a legacy issue. There was a period when one could not have a legal position. There was no consequence of not paying. There was a consumer code whereby we found it difficult to properly engage with customers. They were all the legacy issues, many years since the crisis, that led to not having products. There was a lot of complexity. I am not making excuses but all those things happened. We are in the position where that may be the current outcome of a process as defined. We are not actually looking at the mortgage arrears resolution targets. We have to comply with those but we are looking at solutions. Our commitment is to deliver the majority of mortgage restructuring by the end of 2014 using regular solutions under the regulator, and using our innovations. We intend to get the majority of this work completed during 2014, notwithstanding the history.

I accept the Deputy's point but we are trying to do something about the solutions rather than the targets.