Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Public Order Offences from Alcohol Misuse Perspective: Discussion

12:20 pm

Professor Tim Stockwell:

Around two months ago, the Sheffield group had an article published in The Lancetwhich examined this issue by income level, namely, low, middle and high income groups. It modelled precisely what would be the implications of the introduction of different minimum unit pricing approaches. Curiously, the research found that the lower income groups have more people who either abstain from alcohol or are light drinkers. It is known that the impact on expenditure of such groups would be in the region of €4 or €5 over an entire year because light drinkers rarely drink cheap alcohol products. Light and moderate drinkers and those who abstain from alcohol are not affected by minimum pricing. Low income, heavy drinkers would be affected, however, although this group is also disproportionately affected by the health, safety and public order problems that arise from alcohol consumption, as are their communities. A community with a high density of liquor outlets and cheap alcohol experiences significant violence and disorder problems. The modelling suggests low income communities experience a disproportionate benefit from minimum unit pricing. While it is a little tough on heavy drinkers, the modelling shows that this group will spend less overall in a year and will reap many of the benefits from not being injured or made ill.