Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht

Electricity Generation and Export: Discussion

6:55 pm

Mr. Tim Cowhig:

As for Deputy Colreavy's point on policy and legislation, there is a framework both in the United Kingdom towards which we are working in the United Kingdom and in Ireland. From an Irish point of view, the Strategy for Renewable Energy 2012-2020, published by the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources in 2012, has the export of wind power as a strategic goal. In the United Kingdom, the authorities are in the process of introducing a new energy Bill and as part of that, they have introduced a mechanism to support importation projects from their point of view. Consequently, there is a policy context. The Deputy is correct that it is being developed as we move along. In an Irish context, the planning guidelines and the strategic environmental assessment is being done. We only have a memorandum of understanding between Ireland and United Kingdom at present and await the completion of a full intergovernmental agreement. The Deputy is correct that waiting for all these things to happen would be a nice way to do it and had we the luxury of so doing, that is what we would do as investors. It would be much easier for us to sit back and not to be investing the millions of euro we are investing. However, this is not an opportunity that will stay there for ever and a day. Consequently, as a company, we are trying to position ourselves in order that if the opportunity does arise, we will be able to take the benefit of that opportunity. It is a risk strategy but that is what one must do in business.