Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection

Social Enterprise in Ireland: Discussion

1:50 pm

Mr. Richard Keane:

We are open to critiques, but we should start the reform process. We should pay a study visit to, say, Scotland. We should have some know-how from the School of Social Justice or the ESRI. There are many people who have the skills and know-how required.

To address the question from Senator Fidelma Healy Eames, we have been fortunate that Dr. Clara Fischer has been working with us. She is a research fellow at the London School of Economics. We began this journey two years ago. Members, as parliamentarians, will know from addressing the needs of their constituents that there are people who do not have power or a voice in the decision-making process. If they are to make better decisions, de-segregated data, more information, a more open and transparent process, a longer lead-in time to the budget would be a win-win for everybody.