Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform

Fiscal Assessment Report November 2013: Discussion with Irish Fiscal Advisory Council

2:45 pm

Dr. Donal Donovan:

The €20 billion is an important weapon in an arsenal of protection and we stress this in our report. We also indicated, however, that there is a range of actions which could be taken and that using up the money in the kitty if things were to go wrong might not necessarily be the most prudent approach.

In the context of reactions, it is fair to say that, according to reports, there were different views beforehand. Different institutions to which the Deputy referred - some of which are external - urged the Government to consider this. I am sure that the right and proper approach for such institutions - once a decision has been taken - is to wish the Government the best of luck and indicate that they will give it all the support it deserves in order to allow it to pursue its policy.