Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Committee on Health and Children: Select Sub-Committee on Children and Youth Affairs

Child and Family Agency Bill 2013: Committee Stage (Resumed)

4:40 pm

Photo of Frances FitzgeraldFrances Fitzgerald (Dublin Mid West, Fine Gael)
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I move amendment No. 34:

In page 35, subsection (4), line 36, to delete “chief executive officer” and substitute “chairperson”.
Amendments Nos. 34 and 35 to section 47(4) correct an error in the first print of the Bill, replacing the words “chief executive officer” with the word "chairperson." These amendments will clarify that the line of accountability between the Minister and the board of the agency is through the chairperson in respect of matters related to the business plan under section 46 and relating to directions given by the Minister to the agency under section 47. This amendment is consistent with the role of the board as set out in section 21. That section provides that the board is the governing body of the agency. There will be no change to the direct line of accountability between the chairperson and the accounting officer regarding the provision of information to the accounting officer and the Minister may be requested by either of them under section 29.

The functions of the chief executive officer are set out in section 29. The chief executive officer is responsible to the board for the performance of his or her functions and the implementation of the agency's corporate plan and business plan. The chief executive officer will carry on, manage and generally control the administration and business of the agency and perform such other functions as may be assigned to that officer by the board. The chief executive officer will provide support with information including financial information relating to the performance of his or her functions and the implementation of the board's policy as the board may require.

Notwithstanding the role of the chairperson and his or her accountability to the board, there will also be a direct line of accountability between the chief executive officer, the accounting officer and the Minister in particular circumstances as provided in section 29(2). The chief executive officer will assist in providing the accounting officer with information, including financial information and records, within such time and in such format as may be requested by the accounting officer from time to time. The chief executive officer will supply the Minister with such information relating to the performance of his or her functions and the implementation of the Minister's policies and priorities, as the Minister may require. All of these provisions are intended to work together to provide clear and very defined structures of accountability.