Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children

Update on Health Issues: Discussion

12:45 pm

Photo of Alex WhiteAlex White (Dublin South, Labour)
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I was unaware of the particular circumstances mentioned by Senator O'Brien. If she wants to discuss that particular case with me or through me with the HSE, I would want that to be addressed. I want to understand what happened in those circumstances and to ensure that there would be no repeat of them. I would also be very concerned if there is a lack of compassion and understanding in the system, as referred to by Senator O'Brien. I am not taking from anything that has been said here but I know from colleagues in the House and from people outside that there is a very high measure of understanding and empathy on the part of the staff in the PCRS. I have heard them complimented widely for that. That is not to say that there are not circumstances where the standard we expect is not achieved. That is why we want to know about that. We are not engaging in any criticism of anybody but if there is a lack of understanding or people have experienced insensitivity, I certainly want to know about it. This is separate from the issue of eligibility and concerns the way people are dealt with. I am sure the Minister and the HSE want to ensure that this is not and should not be the way we deal with our citizens.