Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Departmental EU Scrutiny Report: Discussion with Secretary General.

2:45 pm

Mr. John Murphy:

I will deal with Deputy Lyon's last point first. We are involved in the preliminary meetings of the steering group. I have not seen the press release to which the Deputy refers. However, I assure the Deputy that we are involved. On the broader point, there is significant collaboration and there needs to be. Labour activation measures must be complemented by actions taken under the broad rubric of enterprise policy. They cannot be in two separate silos. For example, the Action Plan for Jobs specifically cross-references Pathways for Work. One of the disruptive reforms, one of those measures to specifically change how things are done, is JobsPlus. At the initiative of the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, the Government has ensured that we identified some significant players in the private sector who will become champions for each of these reforms, including for JobsPlus. We believed it was very important that enterprise should become more directly involved in labour market activation measures so that these are not seen as something out there for young people or the long-term unemployed and which have nothing to do with enterprise. We wanted to change that mindset. Equally, we want enterprise to be more involved in the strategy for SOLAS and in the role of Intreo. We will pursue this policy further and deepen the connection when we are developing the action plan for jobs for 2014. I can assure the Deputy the Department is involved in drawing up the proposals for the youth guarantee scheme.