Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Select Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Estimates for the Public Services 2013
Vote 32 - Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (Revised)

2:50 pm

Photo of Richard BrutonRichard Bruton (Dublin North Central, Fine Gael)
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The CRO has enough money. Its budget has been set in anticipation of its work under the Companies Bill and we are satisfied that provision has been made for this work.

The Deputy is right in that the Health and Safety Authority has been progressive in how it has done its work. If we rely on inspections, we will never get around to everyone. We must get people to embrace a culture of high standards and safety in the workplace. We seek to focus inspections on problem areas. For example, there has been considerable focus on agriculture. The authority is keen not just to use its own inspection force. We have held a round table meeting - I also participated - with agricultural interests, for example, the Irish Countrywomen's Association, ICA, to discuss how they can put the message out and support people, including older farmers who do not give the same attention to safety requirements. There is an effort to network the message more effectively among the groups involved. I have tried to get that message out. To be fair, the farming organisations have been supportive of it. We are trying to box smarter in the way we use our resources to get the message out, but the Deputy is right in that the death levels are reducing but are still too high. I have an agricultural background, and it is disappointing to see that the high number of deaths remains prevalent.