Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection

Rent Supplement Scheme: Discussion with Department of Social Protection

2:25 pm

Photo of Aengus Ó SnodaighAengus Ó Snodaigh (Dublin South Central, Sinn Fein)
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In some cases, they do not have access arrangements. They must go to court to get them. If a person is in a one-bedroom flat, he or she cannot get larger accommodation to accommodate his or her children. The person has gone to court because he or she wants to play a role, yet is not allowed to have his or her children in a single-bedroom flat, particularly if the case is one of the many instances of a father and daughter. The only option is to find a larger flat. It is at this point that there seems to be a blockage in the system.

It should not be down to us to negotiate the hassle or to encourage a CWO to reconsider a case. We are seeing more such cases. It is a difficult situation for everyone. While I hope that it is a temporary arrangement for people, the staff - formerly CWOs - should take greater cognisance of the fact that, if people go to court and win overnight access, they should be accommodated inasmuch as is possible until their situations change again.