Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Sale of Coillte's Harvesting Rights: Discussion (Resumed) with IMPACT

2:35 pm

Photo of Martin HeydonMartin Heydon (Kildare South, Fine Gael)
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I thank the gentlemen for attending and for their interesting presentation. I am concerned about the sale of Coillte as I remain unconvinced of its merits. I am not ideologically opposed to the sale of valuable State assets if a business case can prove that it is worthwhile. It would be ideal if money raised could be used for stimulus capital projects. In my constituency in Kildare South there is a desperate need for a ring-road around Athy that would cost in the region of €35 million. It would generate a lot of extra local industries. We need a balanced debate and I do not just say that in regard to Coillte.

While the sale of a State asset can be an emotive subject, if it makes money available for use in other ways, we can get real bang for our buck. I acknowledge that there have been examples of sales of State assets which have been disastrous for the country. The sale of Eircom and the way in which it was asset stripped can be linked to the national broadband deficit. Deputy Ferris referred to Greencore and the loss of our sugar industry, which the Chairman and I are both passionate about re-establishing. Ironically, one of the main drivers during the boom to close the industry from the Greencore and private sector points of view was the value of the 500 acre site of the sugar processing facility in Carlow at a time of huge costs. It is perhaps a different issue, but lessons must be learned.

I acknowledge that the witnesses may not be able to answer my questions in light of their positions. Where do they see the future of Coillte should the Government decide that there should be no sale of a State asset? Do they think the status quois sustainable and do they see improvements which can be made in the operation of Coillte? Are the witnesses confident that in its present form Coillte can deliver on the enhanced operations and profitability which they touched on earlier? I would be interested to hear about improvements the witnesses feel can be made and I acknowledge that any observations they make will be from a staff perspective.