Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Sale of Coillte's Harvesting Rights: Discussion (Resumed) with IMPACT

2:35 pm

Mr. Johnny Fox:

Deputy Ó Cuív asked what would happen if the Government made a different decision. The IMPACT union would have Bacon II ready immediately because the arguments against a partial or full sale remain the same.

Like my colleague, I do not profess to speak for Coillte. The Deputy raised issues that are pro-job and IMPACT and its members in Coillte support them despite the fact that it would mean that more private owners would receive licences. There is a good relationship between Coillte and private owners regarding the development of forestry. It is on that basis that his questions were pro-jobs for Ireland plc and we support them. If Coillte was sold it would render his remaining questions useless. One could not answer them because we would not own it anymore. That is my main response.