Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Coillte Teoranta: Discussion with Chairman Designate

2:30 pm

Photo of Pat O'NeillPat O'Neill (Fine Gael)
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I have a supplementary question about the SmartPly operation in south Kilkenny at Bellview port. The chairman has stated that if the investment is not made in SmartPly, the plant will close within three to four years because it will not be viable and the product it produces will not be needed. If the investment is not made, the plant will be obsolete. If the investment is made, what will be the millstone that will be around the neck of Coillte? It seems SmartPly and Medite will not be part of the sell-off, if it occurs. They will remain as separate companies within Coillte.