Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Review of Food Harvest 2020 Strategy: Discussion (Resumed) with Irish Dairy Board and Bord Bia

3:35 pm

Photo of Mary Ann O'BrienMary Ann O'Brien (Independent)
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I hope members do not mind indulging me, as I must attend another meeting. I do not really have questions to pose. I have been a customer of Mr. Cotter since 1993 and would not be where I am today were it not for Bord Bia. I could spend an hour telling members what it is like working with it. I was in a great deal of trouble in 2008 and I am aware that whether one's situation is good or bad and regardless of the nature of one's needs, Bord Bia is a vibrant, expansive and ever-changing organisation. It is run like a cut-throat business by Mr. Cotter and I cannot find enough superlatives to describe what it does. Mr. Cotter has provided the committee with an extremely condensed version of what he does. It would be great if the various members of the committee - if there was room for all of us - could be invited to attend next year's Pathways for Growth food and drink leadership summit. There has been a long, step-by-step process and it is amazing to consider the amount of work Mr. Cotter and his wonderful team have done.