Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Health Services for People with Epidermolysis Bullosa: Discussion

Dr. Rosemarie Watson:

Yes, there is, through Debra International. There are research projects that are shared and Debra Ireland contributes significantly to the international research. Debra International is also promoting research in Ireland by linking with Government agencies. That is going very well. I am 30 years in the area of EB and I never though I would see a chance of cure in my lifetime. The gene therapy available now in the US and approved by the FDA has been in clinical trials and in clinical use for four years now. It can be used in children from as young as six months. It is healing wounds and also preventing the wounds from breaking down again because it is replacing the missing protein in the skin. This is very exciting. We are not there yet in Europe. The company has not yet applied to the European Medicines Agency for it but it will come because it is a complete game-changer in the management of this devastating condition.


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