Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Challenges Facing the Horse Sport Industry: Horse Sport Ireland (Resumed)
Paul Kehoe (Wexford, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
So there are 15 staff members working there today.
Pippa Black
Posted on 18 Nov 2023 12:40 pm (Report this comment)
This would seem to be out of step with the findings of the last census, which reported a workforce participation rate (people who are are working, looking for their first regular job, or unemployed) of 61% for the general population and 40% for all people with a lifelong condition or impairment. That 40% breaks down to 50% for those whose condition/impairment affects them to some extent and 22% for those who are affected to a great extent.
Various studies have shown that about 50% of unemployed disabled people would prefer to be in work. This includes those who lost their job due to an acquired impairment or condition. The employment rates reported in the Census are 56% for the general population and 34% for the disabled population which breaks down to 44% where the condition/impairment affects them to some extent and 17% where it affects them to a great extent. Unemployment rates are reported as 8% for the general population, 13% for the disabled population. The maths on this would suggest that if the barriers were removed, 6.5% of disabled people would join the workforce bringing the employment rate up to 41%. This figure is still ten percentage points lower than the EU average of 51% employment of disabled people. If we do the same calculation for those with a condition/impairment that affects them to some extent, who have a 44% employment rate and an 11% unemployment rate. Removal of barriers would see an employment rate for that group of 50%, very close to the employment rate of the general population.