Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence

Current Issues Facing Members of the Defence Forces: Representative Association of Commissioned Officers

Mr. Cian O'Mearain:

As the Deputy is aware, we have two ships at sea – that is two crews. Looking at the Government decision for the level of ambition, LOA, 2, that is 18 crews at sea and another 18 crews ashore on their shore time getting ready to go back to sea. That gives the Deputy an indication of the delta between where we are and where we want to be in five years. Some of those people take between five and ten years to train, so the likelihood of them being here in five years is fairly small. That is a gap.

We will not comment on operational issues but there is just such a difference between where we are and where we think we need to be as a country. If you wished to characterise that as having failed to achieve our ambition, you could.

To link this into other things, the Deputy asked about the working time directive and whether it is a game-changer. It is very much part of unlocking this puzzle, and patrol duty allowance is an element. Establishing any kind of number or limit on the labour hours budget we can work towards would be a start in unlocking this. Other states regularly do this. There are multiple different methods we have seen from other countries for how this is achieved. It can be achieved. There are small moves to it in respect of proposals for additional time off in lieu for time at sea next year, and that is welcomed and will make a difference. However, what will really prove to people they can have their time off is when there is a second crew ready to take the ship and they know they will not be called, because once you are the crew, you own it 24-7.


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