Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 6 February 2018
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach
Tracker Mortgages: Permanent TSB
4:00 pm
Mr. Jeremy Masding:
The Senator might recall that in my previous appearances before the committee I have done my best in trying to explain the fact-----
Customers feel they are being victimised by the decisions that were made by the then management to push the tracker mortgage as the product route to take. Suddenly the bank finds that nearly two thirds of its loan book is tied to tracker mortgages, which is pulling the bank into quicksand. Has this the effect of pulling ordinary customers with tracker mortgages down?
My colleagues, Deputies Michael McGrath and Pearse Doherty made significant efforts and were able to drag the figures out. Of the 31 customers who lost their homes, only seven, which is less than 25%, went to the independent review. Were these 31 customers fully aware that they could put their case to an independent review?
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