Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Public Accounts Committee

Tusla - Financial Statements 2016

9:00 am

Mr. Fred McBride:

It has, specifically in residential services. We are carrying out a fundamental review of the balance of the provision we have between our own residential provision and the children referred to earlier who we put into independent residential provider places. I do not know if we have got that balance entirely right. However, suffice to say that up until recently there has been very little investment in residential services for children. That is something we will have to put right. You will find that the absence rates are fairly closely correlated to things such as the level of violence and the violent incidents staff are subjected to in the residential centres. Staff have an entitlement to a period off work if they are significantly assaulted. I cannot remember how long it is and it would depend on the circumstances too. There is almost an in-built absence rate, as it were, by virtue of the fact-----


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