Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Review of Legislation on Prostitution: Discussion (Resumed)

2:45 pm

Mr. Paul Maguire:

I can only speak about the individuals we focused on in the programme. There was one very organised group along with some individuals. The group consisted of up to 15 people and up to 16 or 17 on some occasions. They were being moved four or five in a car. Every week the individual organising these women and moving them from location to location would start at 2.30 a.m. He would drive from Dublin city to Athlone, from Athlone to Ennis, from Ennis to Dundalk and back to Dublin. On one occasion this individual covered somewhere in the region of 1,200 km in a 22-hour period. That was a regular occurrence every week. Some of the women to whom we spoke were told they were required to move from place to place and to purchase their own train ticket out of the money earned from selling themselves. In many cases we found that people were being moved as opposed to moving themselves. In that way those organising the moving of the women had more control over the women. Deputy O'Brien asked about those who get out of the business. A person travelling by train may have an opportunity to escape if that was what she wanted to do but if she is being moved by car I imagine there is more control over the individual and fewer opportunities for escape.


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