Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 17:30 The Joint Committee met at 17:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 09:30 The Joint Committee met at 09:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Committee on Budgetary Oversight (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Roghchoiste le chéile ag 17:30 The Select Committee met at 17:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Inflation: Discussion (resumed) (82 speeches)
Members and all those in attendance are asked to exercise personal responsibility in protecting themselves and others from the risk of contracting Covid-19. They are strongly advised to practice...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 09:30 The Joint Committee met at 09:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Select Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Roghchoiste le chéile ag 13:30 The Select Committee met at 13:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 17:30 The Joint Committee met at 17:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
Apologies have been received from Senator Ruane and Deputy Pringle. I remind members to turn off their mobile phones. I am the only one in the committee room and I have done that. Mobile...
- Minorities Engaging with the Justice System: Discussion (111 speeches)
The purpose of our meeting today is have an engagement with a number of stakeholders who have made written submissions to assist the committee in its consideration of the topic, minorities...
- Joint Committee on the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Irish Speaking Community (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 13:30 The Joint Committee met at 13:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 09:30 The Joint Committee met at 09:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 13:30 The Joint Committee met at 13:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
There is one item of committee business to be addressed before I call on the Ministers to present to the committee. I take it that the draft minutes of our last public and private committee...
- Key Priorities and Legislation of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media: Discussion (140 speeches)
This meeting has been convened with the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Deputy Catherine Martin, and the Minister of State with responsibility for sport and the...
- Select Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Roghchoiste le chéile ag 16:00 The Select Committee met at 16:00 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Estimates for Public Services 2021
Vote 33 - Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media (Supplementary) (25 speeches)
Apologies have been received from Deputies Cannon and Mattie McGrath. This meeting has been convened to consider the Supplementary Estimate for Vote 33 - Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport...
- Message to Dáil (1 speech)
In accordance with Standing Order 101, the following message will be sent to the Dáil: The Select Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media has completed its...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 13:30 The Joint Committee met at 13:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Irish Aviation Authority: Chairperson Designate (452 speeches)
No apologies have been received. Our first session an engagement with the chairperson designate of the Irish Aviation Authority, IAA, Ms Rose Hynes. The purpose of the meeting is to engage with...
- An Post: Chairperson Designate (76 speeches)
For the second part of the session I would like to welcome the chairperson designate of An Post, Ms Carol Bolger, and public affairs manager of An Post, Mr. Angus Laverty, to the meeting. We are...
- Seanad Committee on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Roghchoiste le chéile ag 17:30 The Select Committee met at 17:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Seanadóirí / Senators...