Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
- Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Joint Sub-Committee on Fisheries (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 14:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Pat Deering, Senator Michael Comiskey, Deputy Martin Ferris, Senator Paschal Mooney, Deputy Martin Heydon, Senator Brian Ó Domhnaill,...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 13:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Dara Calleary, Senator Feargal Quinn. Deputy Michael Conaghan, Deputy Seán Kyne, Deputy Anthony Lawlor, Deputy John Lyons, Deputy...
- Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals (1 speech)
There are five EU proposals listed under Schedule A and ten proposals and 13 notices listed under Schedule B for decision. Therefore, I propose we deal with Schedule B first. The proposals...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 14:10 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Luke 'Ming' Flanagan, Senator Fiach Mac Conghail, Deputy Kevin Humphreys, Senator Labhrás Ó Murchú. Deputy Tony McLoughlin,...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 14:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Eric Byrne, Senator Colm Burke, Deputy Timmy Dooley, Senator Aideen Hayden, Deputy Bernard J. Durkan, Senator Terry Leyden. Deputy...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 17:15 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Robert Dowds, Senator Colm Burke. Deputy Peter Fitzpatrick, Deputy Seamus Healy, Deputy Sandra McLellan, Deputy Caoimhghín Ó...
- Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals (19 speeches)
We have received apologies from Deputies Catherine Byrne and Regina Doherty and Senators Imelda Henry and Jillian van Turnhout. I remind members, witnesses and those in the Visitors Gallery to...