Written answers

Thursday, 24 October 2024

  • Schools Building Projects
    165. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills further to Parliamentary Question No. 196 of 17 October 2024, if she will provide a breakdown, on a local authority, basis of the overall totals...
  • Educational Disadvantage
    166. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will address the concerns of a school (details supplied) regarding the lack of DEIS status despite significant indicators of social...
  • School Funding
    168. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she is aware that a school (details supplied) is no longer going to receive financial backing from the Central Remedial Clinic; if she will...
  • Schools Building Projects
    169. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if funding is available to secure a new playground development (details supplied) to prevent damage; and if she will make a statement on the...
  • Education Costs
    170. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if there is funding available to a person (details supplied) to provide financial assistance with paying the fees for a transition year course...
  • Special Educational Needs
    171. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the current situation regarding an application for the provision of a special class at a primary school in County Cork (details supplied). [43660/24]
  • Schools Building Projects
    172. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills for an update on an extension to a school (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43673/24]
  • Special Educational Needs
    175. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to outline the manner in which the Department ascertains secondary special school places needed through the demand experienced in primary level;...
  • School Staff
    181. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if an increase in the hourly rate being paid to school bus escorts has been sanctioned; and if so, when will the increase be applied and when...
  • Departmental Budgets
    182. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills following the recent announcement regarding the additional €1 billion in funding for education, to provide clarity on the way in which...
  • Pupil-Teacher Ratio
    183. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the average class size at primary level in each school year since 2015-2016, in tabular form; and if she will make a statement on the matter....
  • Special Educational Needs
    184. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the number of special needs assistants in primary schools in each school year since 2015-2016, in tabular form; and if she will make a statement...
  • School Staff
    185. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the number of approved teacher posts in primary schools in each school year since 2015-2016, in tabular form; and if she will make a statement on...
  • Schools Building Projects
    186. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills for an update on a building project (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43723/24]
  • School Accommodation
    190. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills how a school (details supplied) can submit an application for an SEN room; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43798/24]
  • Teaching Qualifications
    191. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the number of unregistered and unqualified teachers that are currently teaching in primary and secondary schools; and if she will make a...
  • School Staff
    192. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the number of vacant posts in primary schools and secondary schools nationwide; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [43800/24]
  • Schools Building Projects
    193. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills for an update on building works at a school (details supplied). [43810/24]
  • School Staff
    197. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to review an urgent case (details supplied); if her Department can overturn this decision given the extenuating circumstances in this case; and...
  • Education and Training Provision
    198. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the total unit cost for the provision of education in alternative education settings within the State, excluding Youthreach provision; how this...
  • Special Educational Needs
    199. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she is aware of the SENO recommendation for two ASD classes in a school (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter....
  • School Staff
    200. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will ensure that a school (details supplied) will not lose a teaching post in view of the extreme difficulties such a loss would create...
  • School Admissions
    201. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will ensure that a proposal is progressed without further delay which would ensure the best school provision for an area (details...
  • School Enrolments
    203. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to indicate the preparations currently in hand or anticipated in respect of the provision of additional school places and new accommodation as...
  • Schools Building Projects
    208. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the reason building works for a school (details supplied), due to commence on 19 August, have still not commenced; if it can be ensured that...
  • School Accommodation
    209. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she accepts that a school (details supplied) is in a poor state of disrepair and that elements pose a health and safety risk; if she can...


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