Written answers

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

  • School Funding
    62. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the estimated full year cost of increasing the capitation grant at primary and secondary level by 5%. [24126/24]
  • Pupil-Teacher Ratio
    63. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the estimated cost of reducing the pupil teacher ratio by 1 point at primary level. [24127/24]
  • Special Educational Needs
    65. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the projected demand for school places in mainstream primary schools for pupils with special educational needs for the school year commencing...
  • Educational Disadvantage
    71. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the projected cost of extending the Junior Certificate School Programme Demonstration Library Project staffed by a qualified librarian to all DEIS...
  • Special Educational Needs
    73. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will respond to specific concerns raised by persons (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [24149/24]
  • School Transport
    74. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will guarantee a school bus service as opposed to a community based local link service (details supplied) which is recommended under the...
  • School Staff
    75. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to provide the full list of available teaching positions in secondary level schools in Galway; and if she will make a statement on the matter....
  • Special Educational Needs
    77. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the reason a request to sanction the summer programme for one week for eight classes was refused in the case of a person (details supplied); if...
  • School Enrolments
    78. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of the provision of a new class for a school (details supplied). [24167/24]
  • School Transport
    79. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills further to Parliamentary Question No. 57 of 24 April 2024, if she will reply to an email submitted to her office (details supplied) regarding...
  • School Staff
    80. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if cleaning staff employed directly by schools should be paid for 7 June 2024, even if their school is being used as a polling station on that...
  • Special Educational Needs
    81. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if her Department will work with the board of management of a school (details supplied) to establish an ASD unit, when their change of status to a...
  • National Educational Psychological Service
    82. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills for clarification on a matter (details supplied); if changes will be implemented to improve services; and if she will make a statement on the...
  • Capitation Grants
    83. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the reason her Department has cut the annual grant for primary schools from €96 a year per pupil to €80; and if she will make a...
  • School Staff
    85. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if the primary payroll division of her Department can register the teaching work being undertaken by an individual (details supplied) on the...
  • School Textbooks
    86. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills when her Department entered into any negotiations with a book provider to reduce the cost, rather than passing it over to the parent, considering...
  • Special Educational Needs
    87. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills when schools will receive their SNA allocation this year; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [24235/24]
  • School Staff
    88. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of an appeal (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [24281/24]
  • State Examinations
    89. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will outline, when an error is made by a school processing RACE applications, which results in the student being denied RACE, what the...
  • School Transport
    90. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if school transport will be provided for a school (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [24332/24]
  • School Enrolments
    91. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the projects planned to increase the number of school places at both primary and secondary level in an area (details supplied) where there is huge...
  • Schools Building Projects
    92. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status and expected starting time of works on the development of a new building for a school (details supplied); the reason for the delay with...
  • Special Educational Needs
    93. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the number of the 36 special classes sanctioned by the NCSE for Dublin that will be opened in time to welcome pupils in September 2024; and if she...
  • School Patronage
    95. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills further to Parliamentary Question No. 330 of 21 May 2024, to outline the ownership of the property referred to in her reply as the "former...


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