Written answers

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Department of Education and Skills

Education Policy

Photo of Aindrias MoynihanAindrias Moynihan (Cork North West, Fianna Fail)
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208. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the engagement he has had directly with secondary schools in promoting traditional trades and apprenticeships; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23079/24]

Photo of Patrick O'DonovanPatrick O'Donovan (Limerick County, Fine Gael)
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I am committed to enhancing pathways for people after secondary school, and the Action Plan for Apprenticeship 2021-2025 aims to make apprenticeship visible and a valued option by learners.

A central goal is to improve information to school leavers so they have access to the same level of information about apprenticeship options as those in higher education.

Progress to date includes the inclusion of apprenticeship options on the CAO website and the launch of the National Apprenticeship Office Freephone Advice Helpline.

My Department developed and launched the Careers in Construction Action Plan in August 2023 which includes a social media campaign and other communication initiatives highlighting the opportunities available in construction including through apprenticeship in order to change perceptions of these roles, in particular for girls and women.

The Construction Industry Federation run the Safe Pass for Schools programme in partnership with SOLAS which enables students to access construction sites for work experience opportunities.

In terms of direct promotion activities, in April 2024 my Department launched the “Building Heroes” peer-to-peer social media campaign in which aims to change perceptions of careers in construction including for apprenticeship among the 15–25-year-old age group.

The National Apprenticeship Office held a digital, print, and radio campaign in 2023 to promote over 70 apprenticeship options to employers and career seekers. This campaign ran from May to August 2023 and effectively targeted school leavers and career seekers of all ages, showcasing skills and career opportunities with Generation Apprenticeship, running across Meta and youth-focussed platforms (Snapchat, TikTok), radio and audio XI.

A range of print and audiovisual material showcasing female apprentice role models was made available on apprenticeship.ie as well as being disseminated to over 130 ‘girls only’ schools in the country, as part of the National Apprenticeship Office’s “Facts, Faces, Futures" campaign which was launched on National Women’s Day 2023.

My Department also sponsors WorldSkills Ireland, which later in 2024 will showcase skills based careers and apprenticeships directly to industry and over 20,000 second level students.


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