Written answers

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Photo of Thomas GouldThomas Gould (Cork North Central, Sinn Fein)
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348. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide all data available on the CPO activation programme launched in April 2023. [22531/24]

Photo of Darragh O'BrienDarragh O'Brien (Dublin Fingal, Fianna Fail)
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Tackling vacancy is a key priority for this Government.

The Vacant Homes Action Plan, which I launched in January 2023, outlines the significant progress that has been made in addressing vacancy, along with the actions that are being pursued to return vacant properties back into use as homes. Last month, I launched the Vacant Homes Action Plan, Progress Report April 2024 which sets out what has been achieved in 2023 and the further steps that will be taken in 2024.

Under the Action Plan, a new CPO Activation Programme was launched by my Department in April 2023. The Programme supports a proactive and systematic approach by local authorities to the activation of vacant properties. It also includes guidance for local authorities to actively use their legislative powers to acquire vacant and derelict properties, where engagement with owners has been unsuccessful. Support and guidance on implementation of the Programme is being provided to local authorities by the Vacant Homes Unit in my Department and by the Property Optimisation Unit in the Housing Agency.

My Department set targets for each local authority on the number of properties to enter the Programme in 2023. Each local authority is to provide data in relation to these properties, activity undertaken by them and outcomes, including the scheme or measure used where the property was brought back into use. My Department will report on the 2023 CPO Activation Programme targets in Q2 2024.


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