Written answers

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Department of Finance

Departmental Meetings

Photo of Catherine MurphyCatherine Murphy (Kildare North, Social Democrats)
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208. To ask the Minister for Finance when he last spoke formally to the CEO of the European Investment Bank. [22374/24]

Photo of Michael McGrathMichael McGrath (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)
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For the purpose of answering the question from the Deputy, I would note that the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group does not have a CEO, rather it has a President, who is Nadia Calvino and who took up the role on 1 January 2024. In this regard, I last met formally with Ms. Calvino during her inaugural visit to Dublin as EIB Group President earlier this month on 2 May. This involved a bilateral meeting with her and we both chaired the important EIB-Ireland Financing Group meeting, which was attended by a number of Government Ministers and senior officials from key Departments. We also held a joint press conference afterwards.

On that occasion, we were pleased to announce that Ireland has benefitted from EIB Group financing to the value of approximately €1 billion per annum in recent years with a record €1.6 billion in financing for 2023, which demonstrates the EIB Group's ongoing strong engagement here. The 2023 investments are helping companies to expand and create skilled jobs, homeowners to cut energy bills, increasing renewable energy generation and supporting the development of the new Cork University Business School (CUBS). This represents the largest backing for new investment in Ireland by the European Investment Bank Group since the first operation in 1973.

The Deputy should note that I also engage regularly with the EIB Group President at monthly meetings of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Ecofin). In addition, as the Governor for Ireland at the EIB, I also attend the Annual Meeting of the EIB Board of Governors. This will take place next month in Luxembourg.

Finally, it is worth noting that I also have regular engagements with Ireland's representative on the EIB's Management Committee, who is a Vice-President in the Bank. In this regard, I am looking forward to meeting the recently appointed EIB Vice-President, Ioannis Tsakiris shortly. My officials also have regular and ongoing contact with the EIB to further widen and deepen the Irish/EIB relationship. This includes engagements in Luxembourg and Ireland with EIB officials, including the head of the Bank's Irish Office who is based here.


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