Written answers

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Department of Education and Skills

Education Schemes

Photo of Michael CreedMichael Creed (Cork North West, Fine Gael)
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648. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the reason a HEAR grant application (details supplied) has been turned down; if his Department was aware of the personal circumstances of the applicant when refusing the grant and if the case will be reviewed. [22931/24]

Photo of Michael CreedMichael Creed (Cork North West, Fine Gael)
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649. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the range of assistance available for a student at third level (details supplied). [22932/24]

Photo of Patrick O'DonovanPatrick O'Donovan (Limerick County, Fine Gael)
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I propose to take Questions Nos. 648 and 649 together.

Under the terms of the Student Grant Scheme 2024/25, an applicant who has a non legal guardian in receipt of the Guardians payment from the Department of Social Protection may have his application considered for the Special Rate Grant payment subject to meeting all other eligibility criteria.

The student referred to by the deputy has made an revised application to SUSI on the 9th May 2024 for the 2024/25 academic year. SUSI will be in contact with the student regarding documents required to verify his application. The student should include documentation relating to the Guardians payment.

The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) scheme is operated by the Irish Universities Association, on behalf of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and my Department has no remit for this scheme. Under HEAR each institution determines its own admissions policy, the number of places to be reserved, the allocation of those places, and the review and appeals processes. Applications to the scheme are submitted to the Central Applications Office (CAO) who coordinate the scheme for participating institutions.

I can advise the Deputy that the review and appeals process is in place to make sure that all HEAR applicants are treated fairly and that the assessment procedures have been applied consistently. Further information on the appeals process is available at: www.accesscollege.ie/hear/making-an-application/hear-review-and-appeals/.

Subsequently, applicants also have recourse to make an appeal to the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman’s service is free, independent and impartial, and the applicant may wish to consider contacting the Ombudsman’s Office to see whether an appeals process is open to them.

Further information and contact details for the Ombudsman’s Office are available at: www.ombudsman.ie/publications/information-leaflets/The-Ombudsman-and-Education-services.pdf

The student should also contact the Access office of the college they wish to attend to discuss all the options that may be available. Details are available on the accesscollege.ie website: accesscollege.ie/hear/participating-colleges/


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