Written answers

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Photo of Bernard DurkanBernard Durkan (Kildare North, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

106. To ask the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the degree to which the Army is being upgraded and updated in line with the requirements of a modern army within the European Union, in the event of a threat arising from any quarter; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22328/24]

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

My priority as Minister for Defence is to ensure that the operational capability of the Army, Air Corps and Naval Service is maintained and developed. This is to enable the Defence Forces to carry out the roles assigned by Government. Equipment priorities for the Army, Air Corps and Naval Service are considered in the context of the established capability development and Equipment Development Planning (EDP) processes.

Further additions to the EDP are currently under consideration, including in the context of the Government’s decision to move to a higher level of ambition, known as LOA2, and in light of specific recommendations, associated with a move to LOA2, made in the report of the Commission on the Defence Forces last year.

Work on capital investment in aircraft continues, a contract with Airbus has been placed at a cost of €57 million excluding VAT for a military transport aircraft for the Defence Forces. The Airbus C295W aircraft is highly versatile and will provide a dedicated asset to support the Defence Forces military airlift transport requirements and provide a wide contingent capability.

The aircraft will enable the Air Corps to provide a wide range of services including logistics support and transport of troops and equipment, medical evacuation and air ambulance, Special Operations Forces operations and a general utility role. Delivery of this aircraft is expected in 2025. In addition, a competitive process to acquire a new mid sized aircraft for Ministerial Air Transport has been published on the Official Journal of the European Union platform.

The programme for the supply of two C295 Maritime Patrol Aircraft has now been completed, following the delivery of the first aircraft in June and the second last month. Projects for other Air Corps capabilities will be considered in the context of overall capability development and available funding in accordance with the planning processes.

The two Inshore Patrol Vessels, purchased from New Zealand to replace LÉ Orla and LÉ Ciara, are expected to become fully operational during 2024 following a comprehensive programme of works, including crew familiarisation and training. Marine advisors have been appointed by my Department to support the procurement of a Multi-Role Vessel (MRV), as provided for in the Government's National Development Plan, and work is progressing in line with the steps in the Public Spending Code. Projects for other Naval Service capabilities will be considered in the context of overall capability development and available funding in accordance with established planning processes.

Projects for the Army are being considered in the context of capability development and available funding against the backdrop of the overall Equipment Development Plan process. There has been significant investment in recent years in the armoured fleet of vehicles with the enhancement of force protection and mobility with the mid-life refit of the MOWAG Piranha III vehicles project nearing completion and the delivery of Armoured Utility Vehicles. These projects have seen the integration of cutting edge technology and equipment into the vehicles. Technology is an enabler of modern military forces. A framework agreement for the supply of a Software Defined Radio system to the Defence Forces has recently been awarded. This complex project has been designed to meet the Defence Forces' requirements and to incorporate systems and equipment platforms, it will support the joint common operational picture.

The Defence allocation is determined within an overarching budgetary framework which encompasses existing NDP multi-annual capital allocations and remains cognisant of the level of resources available, commensurate with defence policy requirements. It is within this context that the Estimates 2024 discussions took place with the Department of Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform, to include full consideration of Defence capital investment priorities for 2024 and beyond. The Department of Defence has received a capital allocation of €176 million in Budget 2024, and is set to receive a capital allocation of €215 million for 2025 and €220 million for 2026 following a revision of NDP multi-annual allocations.

This level of capital funding allows a phased planned programme of sustained equipment and infrastructural development across the Army, Air Corps and Naval Service as identified and prioritised in the Defence White Paper and the Report of the Commission on the Defence Forces, while building on the significant investment programme over recent years

This is following Government approval for a move over a six-year period to a level of Defence Forces’ capability equivalent to ‘Level of Ambition 2’ (LOA2), as set out in the capability framework devised by the Commission on Defence Forces, which will entail funding increases to reach a Defence budget of approximately €1.5 billion (at January 2022 prices) by 2028 through the annual Estimates.

Among the major Defence Equipment upgrade and replacement programmes set to be prioritised over the coming years are:

  • The Land Forces Capability Development and Force Protection Programmes, including an upgrade of the military transport fleet and next generation radio communications and signal equipment;
  • The ongoing Naval Service Vessel Renewal and Replacement Programme, which includes the mid-life refit of the P50 Class of Naval Vessel and the progression of the Multi Role Vessel project;
  • The ongoing Air Corps Aircraft Renewal and Replacement Programme which includes the purchase of the C295 Maritime Patrol Aircraft and C295 Military Transport Aircraft and future procurement of new rotary wing capabilities.
In addition to these major projects, there is an on-going schedule of capital investment across a broad range of force protection measures, including in General Service Body Armour, a new combat helmet, the procurement of Chemical Biological, Radiological and Nuclear protection suits, and new thermal imaging targeting systems. Investment in transport, communications and information technology, weapons and ammunition systems continues in 2024. This level of investment in Defence equipment platforms will further boost ongoing efforts at enhancing Defence Forces capabilities across land, sea and air domains.


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