Written answers

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Childcare Services

Photo of Bríd SmithBríd Smith (Dublin South Central, People Before Profit Alliance)
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96. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth further to Parliamentary Questions Nos. 91 and 92 of 30 April 2024, if he is aware that the proposed draft childminding regulations represent a further bureaucratisation of a system that is already onerous for parents and service providers; if he is aware that childminders are reporting that these regulations are too extreme and will drive many of them out of childminding, creating a further dearth of places for parents already facing difficulties in securing care for their children; if he will scrap the current draft proposals with a view to consulting with and listening to childminders and parents’ concerns (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21964/24]

Photo of Roderic O'GormanRoderic O'Gorman (Dublin West, Green Party)
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The National Action Plan for Childminding 2021-2028 commits to the introduction of regulations that are proportionate and appropriate to the home and family setting, to respect the unique way in which childminders work. It also commits to providing supports to childminders to help them meet regulatory requirements.

The main route through which parents are subsidised for their early learning and childcare costs is the National Childcare Scheme. The Childcare Support Act 2018, which provides a statutory basis for the National Childcare Scheme, specifies that only Tusla-registered providers are eligible to participate in the Scheme. The limitation of public funding schemes to Tusla-registered childcare providers helps to ensure that public funding is provided where there is assurance of the quality of provision.

Phase 1 of the National Action Plan, which is nearing completion, allows for consultation, research and development actions, to ensure that the regulations that apply to childminders are appropriate to the home environment, to build the quality support infrastructure required (including expansion of inspectorates and provision of training), and to ensure reforms are based on consultation and research evidence.

The draft childminding regulations were developed through an inclusive process that involved childminders and Childminding Ireland as active members of the Steering Group and four Advisory Groups on the National Action Plan for Childminding.

I launched the public consultation on the draft childminding regulations on 8 February, and the consultation remained open until 2 May. The consultation process allowed childminders, parents and other interested parties to contribute in a variety of ways including an online survey and written submissions, as well as through focus groups and a consultation event for national stakeholder organisations. An independent company has been contracted to undertake the analysis of the submissions and of other elements of the consultation process, and to present a report of their findings. On receipt of the report on findings, the Steering Group on the National Action Plan for Childminding will consider any changes that need to be made to the draft regulations, and their proposals will then come to me for review and consideration.

I have been talking to childminders in my own constituency and have held meetings with others and I am aware of their concerns regarding the introduction of regulations.

The Bill to amend the Child Care Act 1991 to enable the regulation and support of childminders is currently being drafted with a view to the introduction of the childminding-specific regulations in the autumn. The proposed amendments to the primary legislation, as set out in the Heads of Bill and General Scheme, include a proposed transition period of three years. In line with the National Action Plan for Childminding, this phased approach is intended to give childminders the time to prepare for and meet the new regulation and registration requirements that will be put in place.


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