Written answers

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Childcare Services

Photo of Cormac DevlinCormac Devlin (Dún Laoghaire, Fianna Fail)
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514. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if he is aware of a situation (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21390/24]

Photo of Roderic O'GormanRoderic O'Gorman (Dublin West, Green Party)
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My Department funds 30 City/County Childcare Committees (CCCs), which provide support and assist families and early learning and childcare providers with early learning, and childcare matters. The network of 30 City/County Childcare Committees across the country are in a position to match children and families to services operating with vacant places and engage proactively with services to explore possibilities for expansion among services, particularly where there is unmet need.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown CCC has been supporting the childcare provider to find suitable alternative accommodation. The CCC has advised the provider of the steps necessary to reregister when they secure new premises and will continue to provide support to the service.

The availability of high-quality Early Learning and Care (ELC) is a key Government priority. My Department monitors ELC capacity on an ongoing basis, with a particular focus on responding to the unmet ELC needs of families.

My Department is progressing a broad range of actions to ensure the supply of ELC and School-Aged Childcare meets demand:

Core Funding, the funding scheme introduced in 2022, allocates funding for providers based on the cost of delivery. Though only in operation since September 2022, initial analysis shows that this new funding scheme has given rise to a growth in capacity. Budget 2023 allocated funding to secure a 3% growth in capacity for year 2 of the scheme, which has already materialised. Budget 2024 also secured funding to invest in a further 3% capacity growth from September 2024.

A new Supply Management Unit has been established within my Department to lead on this important work. The development of this function is akin to the Department of Education’s Forward Planning Unit. The Supply Management Unit is overseeing the allocation of new capital investment. €69 million was allocated to my Department over the period 2023-2025 under the National Development Plan to enable capital investment in the ELC sector. In February, I announced an €18 million capital grant scheme for the ELC Sector. The grant will provide for an immediate increase in affordable ELC places in 2024, and will be specifically targeted in areas in where they are needed most. It will be the first of two significant capital investment schemes, to be delivered in 2024 and 2025.

Under the National Action Plan for Childminding, there is a commitment to open up access to the National Childcare Scheme to parents who use childminders following the extension of regulation to childminders.


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