Written answers

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Child and Family Agency

Photo of John McGuinnessJohn McGuinness (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fianna Fail)
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511. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if family support payments will be put in place immediately for the grandparents of the children referred to in a Tusla report (details supplied) as they have been supporting the children for weeks without the appropriate financial support; and if the matter will be expedited. [21273/24]

Photo of Roderic O'GormanRoderic O'Gorman (Dublin West, Green Party)
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Statutory and operational responsibility for the delivery of child protection and welfare services is a matter for Tusla, the Child and Family Agency. The Deputy is seeking information in relation to an operational matter for Tusla. Consequently, I have referred the matter to Tusla, and requested that a direct response be provided to the Deputy.


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