Written answers

Thursday, 9 May 2024

  • Hospital Appointments Status
    272. To ask the Minister for Health to provide an update on the ENT appointment for a person (details supplied). [20958/24]
  • Departmental Data
    273. To ask the Minister for Health the total number of full and partial lower limb amputations that were carried out in 2021, 2022 and 2023; the number of these patients, by county, who had...
  • Homeless Persons Supports
    289. To ask the Minister for Health the total spend on homeless specific measures by his Department in each of the years 2020 to 2023 and to date in 2024, and to provide a breakdown of the spend...
  • Addiction Treatment Services
    290. To ask the Minister for Health the amount spent on addiction services in 2023 by local authority area, in tabular form. [20989/24]
  • Health Services
    291. To ask the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 690 of 16 April 2024, the reason the question was referred to the National Women and Infants Programme section, despite...
  • Hospital Waiting Lists
    292. To ask the Minister for Health to provide details of the waiting times for appointments for the dermatology clinic in Peamount Hospital in Dublin. [20999/24]
  • Medical Aids and Appliances
    293. To ask the Minister for Health if the HSE is no longer funding wigs for people with alopecia. [21012/24]
  • Hospital Appointments Status
    294. To ask the Minister for Health when a child (details supplied) in County Donegal will receive an ENT appointment in Letterkenny University Hospital; if it can be expedited; and if he will...
  • International Bodies
    295. To ask the Minister for Health to explain the process and criteria used by his Department to assess the potential benefits and opportunities of EATRIS membership; and if he will make a...
  • Gender Recognition
    298. To ask the Minister for Health if, in relation to his recent statement (details supplied) that a consultant psychiatrist had been recruited by the HSE for children's gender healthcare and...
  • Health Service Executive
    299. To ask the Minister for Health when a HSE report on the death of a person (details supplied) in County Donegal will be completed; the reason for the delay; and if he will make a statement on...
  • Hospital Inspections
    300. To ask the Minister for Health how often HIQA inspections are carried out at St. James’s Hospital, Tallaght Hospital, and St. Vincent’s Hospital; and if he will make a...
  • Children in Care
    301. To ask the Minister for Health the number of ‘children in case’ social worker posts in County Clare; the number currently in post; and the length of time any posts have been...
  • Hospital Waiting Lists
    302. To ask the Minister for Health to provide a breakdown of the average waiting time on waiting lists for operations at CHI for those with spina bifida without scoliosis and those with...
  • Medical Aids and Appliances
    303. To ask the Minister for Health to review a case (details supplied); if this person can use the Wicklow-based company for this service in future; and if they do use it, whether the Government...
  • Health Service Executive
    304. To ask the Minister for Health when he, in consultation with the HSE, will lift the recruitment embargo currently in place within the HSE (details supplied). [21074/24]
  • General Practitioner Services
    306. To ask the Minister for Health the measures being taken to increase the numbers of GP practices and practitioners throughout the country to alleviate the current difficulties in registering...
  • Health Strategies
    307. To ask the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 717 of 30 April 2024, the number of the integrated eye care teams that are not fully operational in each of the CHOs; and...
  • Hospital Appointments Status
    308. To ask the Minister for Health if an appointment for steroid injections will be arranged as soon as possible in the case of a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on...
  • Medicinal Products
    310. To ask the Minister for Health if he has received the final report of a working group (details supplied) on the medicines reimbursement decision-making process; when he plans to publish the...
  • Health Service Executive
    311. To ask the Minister for Health if the HSE can provide a post operative bed for a person in County Donegal (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21108/24]
  • General Practitioner Services
    312. To ask the Minister for Health the number of applications received for a GP vacancy in Cavan (details supplied); the number of these applications that are to be progressed to interview...
  • Health Service Executive
    314. To ask the Minister for Health if he will outline the spending to date on the development, implementation and rollout of the national maternal and newborn clinical management system for the...
  • Hospital Procedures
    316. To ask the Minister for Health if an operation will be provided for a person (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21163/24]
  • Departmental Expenditure
    317. To ask the Minister for Health the awards made both with and without a tender process to management consultancy firms (details supplied) by his Department and bodies under the aegis of his...


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