Written answers

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Department of An Taoiseach

  • European Council
    39. To ask the Taoiseach to report on his attendance at the recent special meeting of the European Council. [17774/24]
  • Taoiseach's Meetings and Engagements
    45. To ask the Taoiseach to provide an update on his recent engagement with the Spanish prime minister, with specific regard to recognition of a Palestinian state. [17841/24]
  • Northern Ireland
    59. To ask the Taoiseach when details of the next round of funding for capital projects under the shared island initiative will be announced. [20081/24]
  • Departmental Staff
    60. To ask the Taoiseach the number of employees within his Department and bodies under the aegis of his Department who are currently suspended on full pay pending disciplinary investigations;...
  • Stardust Fire
    61. To ask the Taoiseach if the Government intends to offer counselling services to the survivors of the Stardust fire. [20510/24]
  • Covid-19 Pandemic
    62. To ask the Taoiseach for an update on the Covid evaluation; and the timeline he is working towards. [20698/24]
  • Citizens' Assembly
    63. To ask the Taoiseach when a citizen’s assembly on the future of education will be established. [20844/24]


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