Written answers

Thursday, 14 December 2023

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

International Protection

Photo of Matt CarthyMatt Carthy (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein)
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92. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth the process of public and community engagement and consultation his Department undertakes in advance of establishing or approving a centre or building for the purpose of emergency protection for people seeking international protection. [55507/23]

Photo of Roderic O'GormanRoderic O'Gorman (Dublin West, Green Party)
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My Department is dealing with the unprecedented challenge of accommodating people fleeing war in Ukraine and those seeking the international protection in Ireland from countries across the world. We are legally obliged under international law to provide accommodation to those seeking protection. Given the increasing numbers of arrivals, my Department is accepting offers of suitable accommodation right across the country through various processes.

The majority of our communities have responded with a generosity of spirit, that recognises the human plight and trauma people are experiencing, and their right to seek protection and help from the international community.

The provision of accommodation, health, education, income and other supports as appropriate, to these people is a whole-of-government emergency response. A range of departments, agencies, service providers, and local authorities are involved in the accommodation, resettlement, and integration process.

My Department has been working across Government and with Local Government to develop a more coherent model of engagement with communities in advance of the opening of accommodation centres and to articulate a more inclusive narrative on migration.

A Community Engagement Team has been established to engage directly with elected representatives, relevant Local Authorities, Local Development Companies, and other entities and individuals where relevant and appropriate. It is important to note that the Community Engagement Team does not have a say in where people are placed.

However, what they can do is improve the flow of information regarding arrivals into areas, and provide accurate information, to help communities understand the current situation and to assist with the welcome and integration process for new arrivals.

It is important that people’s concerns are listened to and that they’re provided with information, but it also is very important to be clear as a Government, no community or individual has a veto on who should or should not live in your area and that cannot be allowed.


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