Written answers

Thursday, 18 May 2023

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

After-School Support Services

Photo of Bríd SmithBríd Smith (Dublin South Central, People Before Profit Alliance)
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419. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth further to Parliamentary Question Nos. 532 and 533 of 9 May 2023, if he can detail the steps his Department takes in cases where a service provider has beached the terms of the core funding agreement; If a company (details supplied) has broken the terms of core funding by imposing a charge on parents for afterschool/out-of-term services, regardless of whether parents use this service and by making payment of this charge a condition of the continued use of the regular service, where previously parents who did not avail of out-of-term afterschool hours were not charged; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23771/23]

Photo of Roderic O'GormanRoderic O'Gorman (Dublin West, Green Party)
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Core Funding is a payment to Partner Services designed to support quality, sustainability, and enhanced public management, with associated conditions in relation to fee control and cost transparency, incorporating funding for administration and to support the employment of graduate staff.

Partner Services must uphold their contractual obligations regarding their fees charged to parents/guardians as laid out in the

Where an individual identifies a case of a potential breach of Core Funding fee rules by a Partner Service, they may seek to have this examined and a conclusion reached through the Core Funding Fee Review process. This is the appropriate mechanism to determine such cases as those the Deputy raises.

Further details on the Fee Review process can be found here: first5fundingmodel.gov.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Together-for-Better-Guidelines-on-Fee-Management.pdf

As per my response to Parliamentary Question Nos. 532 and 533 of 9 May 2023, a Partner Service may create a new Service Type and must ensure that the fee for any new Service Type will be calculated as not more than a proportion of the closest equivalent fee extant on September 30th 2021 which, all other things being equal, would apply to the eligible child.

Where a Partner Service increases the level of service offered, a higher fee can be charged for this, but the higher fee must be in direct proportion to the increase. For example, an increase in full-day care from 40 hours/week to 50 hours/week represents an increase of 25%. A higher fee can be charged for this but it cannot exceed 25% more than the previous fee that was charged to parents as of 30 September 2021. Similarly, an increase in weeks from a 38 week offering to a 52 week offering must be charged proportionately.

I would encourage any parent or person with concerns or questions about fees and/or to initiate a Fee Review process to contact their local CCC for support and guidance, contact details available here: .


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