Written answers

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Transport Policy

Photo of Steven MatthewsSteven Matthews (Wicklow, Green Party)
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125. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if his attention has been drawn to a report (details supplied) which outlines a number of locations in County Wicklow in which noise mitigation measures are required due to high traffic volumes; if the funding for these measures will be considered; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44363/22]

Photo of Eamon RyanEamon Ryan (Dublin Bay South, Green Party)
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As Minister for Transport, I have responsibility for overall policy and securing exchequer funding in relation to the National Roads Programme.

Once funding arrangements have been put in place with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), under the Roads Acts 1993-2015 and in line with the National Development Plan (NDP), the planning, design and construction, including noise mitigation measures, for individual national roads is a matter for TII, in conjunction with the local authorities concerned.This is also subject to the Public Spending Code Guidelines and the necessary statutory approvals.

Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise was transposed into Irish law by the Environmental Noise Regulations, 2006. This legislation requires Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and local authorities to undertake strategic noise mapping every five years for all major roads carrying in excess of 8,250 annual average daily traffic (AADT). Noise maps identify and prioritise cluster areas which will require further assessment and may require mitigation measures to be put in place. Once strategic noise maps have been produced, the results are used for each local authority to develop Noise Action Plans as required by the Environmental Noise Regulations.

In relation to motorways, I have referred your question to TII for a more detailed and direct reply. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 working days.


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