Written answers
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government
Homeless Persons Data
Gerry Adams (Louth, Sinn Fein)
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311. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of homeless families and children in each county in December 2018 and each month to date in 2019. [52089/19]
Eoghan Murphy (Dublin Bay South, Fine Gael)
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My Department publishes a monthly report on homelessness. The monthly report is based on data provided by housing authorities and produced through the Pathway Accommodation & Support System (PASS). The most recently published report, in respect of October 2019, shows that there were a total of 10,514 individuals in emergency accommodation, including 6,688 adults, 1,733 families and 3,826 dependants. The monthly report includes data in relation to families and dependants at a regional level and are published on my Department's website at: .
Supporting families experiencing homelessness is a priority for this Government. In 2016, the Government published the Rebuilding Ireland Action Plan on Housing and Homelessness. Rebuilding Ireland is designed to significantly increase the supply of social housing by 50,000 homes in the period to 2021, double the output of overall housing to at least 25,000 homes per annum by 2020, support all tenure types (social, private and rental), and tackle homelessness comprehensively. Rebuilding Ireland is delivering significant results in supporting households to exit from homelessness to independent tenancies. In 2018, 5,135 adults and their associated dependants exited homelessness to independent tenancies, an 8.6% increase on 2017. In the first nine months of 2019, 4,389 adults and their associated dependants exited from homelessness to independent tenancies, a 17% increase on the corresponding period in 2018.
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