Written answers

Friday, 6 September 2019

Department of Children and Youth Affairs

  • School Completion Programme
    1654. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated cost to restore the school completion programme to 2010 levels. [35238/19]
  • Family Resource Centres
    1655. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her plans to introduce a family resource centre at a location (details supplied); the way in which an application can be made in relation...
  • School Completion Programme
    1656. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of children that received targeted interventions under the school completion programme in the 2018/2019 school year. [35999/19]
  • Care Orders
    1657. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of special care orders which were granted in respect of children and young persons in each of the past five years. [36503/19]
  • Childcare Education and Training Support Programme
    1658. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the amount spent in each of the years 2016 to 2018 and to date in 2019 on the childcare employment training scheme in tabular form; the...
  • Community Childcare Subvention Programme
    1659. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the amount spent in each of the years 2016 to 2018 and to date in 2019, on the community childcare subvention scheme; the number of...
  • Childcare Services
    1660. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if correspondence has been received from a service provider (details supplied); if so, when a response will issue; and if she will make a...
  • Ministerial Advisers Data
    1661. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the name of each person employed as an adviser or special adviser to her and the Minister of State in her Department; the salary of each...
  • Youth Services Funding
    1662. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if the situation by which a project (details supplied) is facing a serious threat without funding will be addressed; and if she will...
  • Childcare Services Regulation
    1663. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the reason parents of children attending crèches (details supplied) were not informed of breaches and issues uncovered by Tusla; the...
  • Early Childhood Care and Education Staff
    1664. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her views on having a sectoral employment order established for the early childhood education and care sector; if she has discussed this...
  • Childcare Services Administration
    1665. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs further to Parliamentary Question No. 59 of 10 July 2019 and her letter of 29 July 2019, the criteria upon which Tusla and the HSE can...
  • Services for People with Disabilities
    1666. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated cost of extending the AIM scheme to support preschool aged children attending full day care. [35101/19]
  • Childcare Services Administration
    1668. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the rules for childcare providers in relation to deposits; and if it is permissible for childcare providers to hold two separate deposits,...
  • Early Childhood Care and Education Programmes
    1669. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs when ECCE providers are notified of changes to the ECCE contracts; the mechanism through which this is done; and if she will make a...
  • City and County Child Care Committees
    1670. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if her attention has been drawn to the fact that many county childcare committees have different interpretations of ECCE contractual...
  • Child and Family Agency Staff
    1671. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will address a matter regarding the case of a person (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [35283/19]
  • Departmental Expenditure
    1672. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the amount expended on the renewal of licences (details supplied) by her Department since 2009 to date in 2019; the amount projected to be...
  • Early Childhood Care and Education Data
    1673. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated cost of increasing the ECCE capitation rates by €5, €10, €15, €20 and €25, respectively;...
  • School Completion Programme
    1674. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated first and full-year cost of restoring the school completion programme to peak levels of funding. [35425/19]
  • Family Resource Centres
    1678. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated cost of ensuring each family resource centre has three full-time equivalent staff members. [35429/19]
  • Family Support Services
    1681. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated cost of hiring an additional family support worker. [35432/19]
  • Child and Family Agency Funding
    1682. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the full amount of funding provided to Tusla in 2019. [35433/19]
  • Departmental Staff Remuneration
    1683. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated full-year cost of providing the 2019 living wage to each member of staff within her Department and within agencies under the...
  • Childcare Services Staff
    1684. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her plans to phase in the Mercer scale in the early childhood education and care sector to bring all employees up to the living wage...
  • Early Childhood Care and Education Funding
    1685. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her plans to reform the funding model for early childhood education and care in order to reflect a more a service-led model; and if she...
  • Early Childhood Care and Education Staff
    1686. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her plans to address the high staff turnover in the early childhood education and care sector; and if she will make a statement on the...
  • Early Childhood Care and Education Expenditure
    1687. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her plans to address the gap between spending on the early childhood education and care sector here compared to European counterparts in...
  • Consultancy Contracts Data
    1688. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the names of external consultancies that delivered and continue to deliver advice and training on all aspects of GDPR in the context of...
  • Deaths in Care
    1689. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of children who died while in the care of the HSE in each of the years 2015 to 2018 and to date in 2019, as per the reports of...
  • Early Childhood Care and Education Staff
    1690. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her plans to ensure that workers in early years facilities earn at least the living wage of €12.30 per hour; and if she will make a...
  • Departmental Customer Charters
    1691. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of complaints her Department received under the customer service charter in 2017, 2018 and to date in 2019; if her attention...
  • Child and Family Agency Data
    1692. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of complaints by category and county received by Tusla in each of the years 2017, 2018 and to date in 2019, in tabular form;...
  • School Completion Programme
    1693. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated cost in 2020 if the budget for school completion programme increased by 12%; and if she will make a statement on the matter....
  • Early Childhood Care and Education Expenditure
    1694. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated cost of increasing the number of programme weeks in the early childhood care and education programmes by two weeks; and if...
  • Departmental Internships
    1695. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of unpaid internships issued and-or granted to persons to work in her Department over the past five years to 28 August 2019;...
  • Cyber Security Protocols
    1696. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if there are dedicated, professionally trained and certified cybersecurity staff in relation to cybersecurity protocols under the remit of...
  • Departmental Operations
    1697. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if her Department has a disaster recovery plan, business continuity plan and or disaster recovery sites; and if she will make a statement...
  • Childcare Services
    1698. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her plans to support a not-for-profit childcare model which would allow for affordability, reliability and flexibility for parents,...
  • Early Years Sector
    1699. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the process by which early years inspectors make registration inspections with reference to the average waiting times between initial...
  • Child Abuse
    1709. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of high priority cases of retrospective child abuse referred by Tusla to An Garda Síochána between 2016 and to date...
  • Child and Family Agency Investigations
    1710. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if an audit will be carried out by Tusla of the historic case files relating to child abuse held in the headquarters of an organisation...
  • Early Years Sector
    1711. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of early years providers being investigated by the national panel of Tusla by county in tabular form; and if she will make a...
  • Adoption Data
    1715. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of adoption records identified by her Department that may be false and-or misleading, including illegal registration of births;...
  • Affordable Childcare Scheme
    1716. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the funding provided under the affordable childcare scheme. [36663/19]
  • Social Workers Recruitment
    1717. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated full-year cost of each ten additional social workers and ten additional social care workers recruited. [36664/19]
  • Adoption Authority of Ireland Data
    1719. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the discussions her Department has had with the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection in relation to the Adoption...
  • Childcare Services Staff
    1720. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of childcare workers that earn less than the living wage of €12.30 per hour; and if she will make a statement on the...
  • Social Workers Recruitment
    1725. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated cost of an additional ten social workers for one full year of employment on a full-time basis. [36939/19]
  • Child and Family Agency Staff
    1726. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the average salary of a full-time Tusla social worker; and the number of full-time social workers employed nationwide. [36940/19]
  • Child and Family Agency Expenditure
    1727. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the estimated cost to increase all full-time social workers pay by 25%. [36941/19]
  • Child and Family Agency Staff
    1728. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number of administrative staff employed to assist Tusla social worker workloads. [36942/19]
  • Child and Family Agency Expenditure
    1729. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the cost of hiring an additional ten administrative staff to assist Tusla social worker workloads. [36943/19]
  • Social Workers Recruitment
    1730. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the amount spent on the most recent Tusla social worker recruitment drive; the length of time the recruitment drive ran for; and the...
  • Child and Family Agency Data
    1731. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the amount spent on car travel mileage by Tusla crèche inspectors in each of the years 2016 to 2018. [36945/19]


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