Written answers

Friday, 7 September 2018

Department of Justice and Equality

Garda Stations

Photo of Mattie McGrathMattie McGrath (Tipperary, Independent)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

454. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality when the new Garda station in Clonmel will be operational; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35724/18]

Photo of Charles FlanaganCharles Flanagan (Laois, Fine Gael)
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The Deputy will appreciate that the programme of replacement and refurbishment of Garda accommodation is progressed by the Garda authorities working in close cooperation with the Office of Public Works (OPW), which has responsibility for the provision and maintenance of Garda accommodation.

The Garda Building and Refurbishment Programme 2016-2021, which is an ambitious 5-year Programme based on agreed Garda priorities, continues to benefit over thirty locations around the country. The Programme includes over €60 million of Exchequer funding as well as a major Public Private Partnership (PPP) project to deliver stations at Macroom, Clonmel and Sligo. This is in addition to the provision of over €100 million for delivery of 3 new Divisional and Regional Headquarters in Wexford, Galway and Kevin Street, Dublin, each of which, I am pleased to confirm, have been completed and are now operational.

Regarding the PPP to deliver stations at Macroom, Clonmel and Sligo, I am informed by the OPW and the Garda authorities that the OPW has acquired sites for the development of the new stations in Macroom and Sligo. The site for the new Garda Station in Clonmel is already in State ownership and its transfer to the OPW from Tipperary County Council is currently being finalised.

The development of PPP projects is progressed under the auspices of the National Development Finance Agency (NDFA). My Department has been in contact with the NDFA with a view to progressing the matter further. It is not possible to provide a timeframe for the completion of these projects at this point.


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