Written answers
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport
Greenways Funding
Martin Ferris (Kerry, Sinn Fein)
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517. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the status of the proposed Tralee to Fenit greenway; when funding will be provided to complete the project; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [30057/17]
Shane Ross (Dublin Rathdown, Independent)
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Kerry County Council was awarded €345,000 by my Department under the Government Stimulus package 2014 to commence the Rock Street to Casement Station section of the Tralee to Fenit greenway, and this was paid.
The Programme for Partnership Government commits to making additional funding available for greenways into the future, and I am pursuing this in the context of the mid-term review of the Capital Plan. When the capital plan review is finalised and there is clarity on the totality of the funding that will be available for greenways in the coming years, my Department will issue further funding calls and local authorities would then be able to submit projects for funding The Deputy may be aware that I recently launched a public consultation process to inform the development of my Department's new Strategy for the future development of greenways. A public consultation paper is available on my Department's website at . All interested parties are invited to make submissions by 14 July, 2017 and I would welcome your views as part of this process.
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