Written answers

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Departmental Staff Training

Photo of Mary Lou McDonaldMary Lou McDonald (Dublin Central, Sinn Fein)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

284. To ask the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if he will provide in tabular form a breakdown of all third level courses, training programmes and courses provided for employees of his Department, and the accompanying cost, for the 2013-2014 academic year, from 1 September 2013 to the end of June 2014. [30090/14]

Photo of Jimmy DeenihanJimmy Deenihan (Kerry North-West Limerick, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

As the Deputy will be aware, my Department is responsible for a broad range of programmes in the arts, heritage and language sectors. The successful development, management and delivery of those programmes requires my Department to have staff with Irish language skills and other skills across a broad range of disciplines, including genealogy, marine archaeology, ecology and other disciplines relating to the natural and built heritage, as well administrative and organisational skills in areas such as management, law, HR, ICT and finance.

The following table gives a breakdown and accompanying cost of third level courses, training programmes and other courses undertaken by staff of my Department for the period 1September 2013 to 30June 2014. The diversity of these courses reflects the broad range of work undertaken by my Department. In the case of some of the training courses and academic studies referred to, several staff members are participating and the costs reflect this. Staff in my Department also availed of in-house training or courses run by other public bodies, which accrued no direct cost to my Department. These are not included in the following list.

Academic Course/ProgrammeCost (€)
Bachelor of Arts in Public Management 2,865
Master of Arts in Public Management4,500
Doctorate in Governance 16,350
Bachelor of Technology in Computing2,280
Master of Science in Innovation Management in the Public Service4,980
Bachelor of Science in Psychology1,742
Bachelor of Laws in Irish Law4,410
Advanced Diploma in Legislative Drafting4,050
Master of Economic Science in Policy Analysis4,500
Certificate in Genealogy/Family History540
Bachelor of Arts in Business3,420
Master of Science in Biology2,097
Doctorate in Archaeology3,342
Doctorate in Spatial and Behavioural Ecology of Sharks1,530
Diploma in Field Ecology2,300
Diploma in Computer Studies1,950
Certificate in Public Finance Management1,080
Bachelor of Science in Computing3,780
Diploma in Family History – Genealogy805
Diploma in Law2,750
Bachelor of Arts - Gaeilge Fheidhmeach2,749
Diploma - Gaeilge Fheidhmeach891
Certificate in Learning & Development Practice4,400
Higher National Certificate in Web Design2,950
Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Analysis7,900
Doctorate in Accounting, Finance and Information Systems2,596
Master of Arts in Human Resource Management5,000
Advanced Diploma in Employment Law2,280
Accounting Technician Diploma1,601
Bachelor of Business Studies 2,647
Certificate in Professional Irish (Level 3)12,069
Certificate in Professional Irish (Level 4)11,178
Certificate in Professional Irish (Level 5)8,716

Training Course/ProgrammeCost (€)
Abseil Access 300
Adobe Illustrator1,300
Biodiversity (various courses)250
Bryophyte (Bog Moss and Lichen Identification) 650
Cardiac First Responder 500
Certificate of Professional Competency

(Driver CPC)
Chainsaw 1,700
Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 20101,350
Corporate Governance (various courses)1,620
Courtroom Skills/Expert Witness7,227
Disaster Team (Protection of Archival Records)688
ECDL/Computer (various courses)2,055
Effective Writing3,690
Enclosures & Housing: Protecting Our Collections120
e-Tenders 2,900
Evacuation Chair 460
Finance and Accounting (various courses)2,640
Firearms Safe Handling 1,545
Forest School Leadership Training1,183
French 350
Higher Executive Officer Programme810
Horticultural Tools and Equipment3,300
Internal Audit (various courses)4,575
Interview Skills (various courses)1,195
Irish Language (various courses)3,659
Jigsaw (Fuel Management) Software367
Leadership (various courses) 5,550
Lean Six Sigma2,190
Live Stranding 50
Manual Handling Instructor675
Microsoft Access876
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 for Power Users2,050
Mobile Tower1,494
Mountain Skills 135
Microsoft Word 2007 (Long & Complex Documents)750
Occupational First Aid 4,392
Off Road Driving 5,600
Pole Saw 1,000
Preservation Risk Management400
Professional Tree Inspection1,650
Project Management (various courses)1,624
Remote Emergency Care1,030
Safe Pass90
Scuba Diving360
Sea Survival300
Social Media433
Time Management & Personal Effectiveness245
Tracking Course927
Wildlife Aware Train the Trainer455


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