This data was produced from a variety of sources.
Tony Gregory, former TD
- Former Independent TD for Dublin Central
- Left the Dáil on 2 January 2009 — Died
Voting record
No data to display yet.
Most recent appearances in parliament
- Written Answers — Animal Welfare: Animal Welfare (18 Dec 2008)
“Question 342: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the steps he is taking to ensure that the welfare of the potentially dioxin contaminated pigs held at present on restricted farms is fully protected; when these pigs will be slaughtered; if this slaughter will take place at a slaughterhouse or on the farms; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47589/08]”
- Written Answers — Site Acquisitions: Site Acquisitions (18 Dec 2008)
“Question 397: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if progress has been made on the proposal to swap sites in East Wall, Dublin 3 between his Department's site on East Wall Road where a school (details supplied) is located and the privately owned site at Ravensdale Road in the centre of East Wall which would have much more potential for the development of a school for the docklands...”
- Written Answers — Environmental Policy: Environmental Policy (17 Dec 2008)
“Question 434: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the standards used to determine the safety levels at Haulbowline Island by a company (details supplied) in its recent report were in fact the threshold values for industrial use, not residential use; the way, in view of the fact that these levels exceed the...”
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- 0 people are tracking whenever this TD speaks.