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RSS feed Richard Boyd Barrett TD

Photo of Richard Boyd Barrett

Voting record

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Committees and topics of interest

Asks most questions about

  • Subjects (based on headings added by the Dáil record): Covid-19 Pandemic, Forestry Sector, Covid-19 Pandemic Supports, Tax Code, Housing Schemes

(based on written questions asked by Richard Boyd Barrett and answered by departments)

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Disability Justice: Motion [Private Members] (17 Apr 2024)

“The failure of successive Governments to vindicate the rights of people with disabilities is testified to by many failures. However, one that sums it up is that for 11 years, there was a campaign by people with disabilities and disability activists just to get governments to honour their commitment to ratify the UNCRPD. It took 11 years of campaigning from the first commitment to ratify the...”

Disability Justice: Motion [Private Members] (17 Apr 2024)

“Not according to them.”

Disability Justice: Motion [Private Members] (17 Apr 2024)

“I did not interrupt the Minister. The Government got a kicking in the recent referendum precisely for that reason. People with disabilities felt insulted, treated with contempt and ignored. They expected to be given rights in that referendum. My God, I certainly am not a fan, as I do not think anybody could be, of the previous constitutional wording, which did nothing for people with...”

More of Richard Boyd Barrett's recent appearances


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Register of Members' Interests

1. Occupational Income
3. Directorships
4. Land
5. Gifts
6. Property and Service
7. Travel Facilities
8. Remunerated Positions
9. Contracts

Register last updated: 11 Mar 2015. More about the Register

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