This data was produced from a variety of sources.
Noel Davern, former TD
- Former Fianna Fail TD for Tipperary South
- Left the Dáil on 24 May 2007 — General election
Voting record
No data to display yet.
Most recent appearances in parliament
- Written Answers — Water and Sewerage Schemes: Water and Sewerage Schemes (5 Apr 2007)
“Question 539: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the water schemes completed and in planning in County Tipperary since 1997, to date in 2007; and the investment made, and future allocation. [13826/07]”
- Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2006: Report Stage (Resumed) (15 Nov 2006)
“Is this part of the north side six inside Labour?”
- Order of Business. (6 Jul 2006)
“The Deputy better tell Deputy Hayes because he has his safari suit on.”
These statistics are updated only each weekend. Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site.More about this)
- 0 people are tracking whenever this TD speaks.