This data was produced from a variety of sources.
Denis Naughten, former TD

- Former Independent TD for Roscommon-Galway
- Changed party from Fine Gael on 6 Jul 2011
- Left the Dáil on 29 November 2024 — General election
Voting record
No data to display yet.
Most recent appearances in parliament
- Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Flood Relief Schemes (7 Nov 2024)
“100. To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will update Dáil Éireann on the steps being taken to install interim flood measures at Lough Funshinagh in County Roscommon; the timeline for such works, following planning approval; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45685/24]”
- Written Answers — Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government: Solar Energy Guidelines (7 Nov 2024)
“226. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government his plans to develop solar energy development guidelines to be circulated to planning authorities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45683/24]”
- Written Answers — Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government: Wind Energy Guidelines (7 Nov 2024)
“225. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government when the revised 2006 wind energy development guidelines, signed off by his predecessor in May 2017, will be formally adopted and circulated to planning authorities; the reason for the ongoing delays; if he will confirm that the current World Health Organisation standards on noise will be applied to these guidelines; and if...”
These statistics are updated only each weekend. Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site.More about this)
- Has spoken in 83 committee discussions and Dáil debates in the last year — average among TDs.
- Has received answers to 335 written questions in the last year — above average among TDs.
- People have made 2 comments on this TD's speeches — above average among TDs.
- This TD's speeches, in the printed record, are readable by an average 17–18 year old, going by the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score.
- 103 people are tracking whenever this TD speaks.
- Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "public-private partnership") 1321 times in debates — well above average among TDs.
(Yes, this is a silly statistic. We include it to draw your attention to why you should read more than just these numbers when forming opinions.)
Register of Members' Interests
Register last updated: 11 Mar 2015. More about the Register