This data was produced from a variety of sources.

RSS feed Charlie McConalogue TD

Photo of Charlie McConalogue

Voting record

No data to display yet.

Committees and topics of interest

Asks most questions about

  • Subjects (based on headings added by the Dáil record): School Staffing, Schools Building Projects Status, Brexit Issues, GLAS Data, GLAS Payments

(based on written questions asked by Charlie McConalogue and answered by departments)

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2024: Referral to Select Committee (11 Jul 2024)

“I move: That the Bill be referred to the Select Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine pursuant to Standing Orders 95 and 181.”

Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (11 Jul 2024)

“I thank the Deputies for their contributions and, indeed, for the broad-based support for this legislation. I also thank the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine. In particular, I thank the Chairman, Deputy Cahill, who has put a lot of work, time and effort into this, as have all of the committee members. I appreciate the fact that the committee members took the...”

Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (11 Jul 2024)

“I move: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time." I thank the Business Committee for putting this legislation on the schedule today. I am delighted to introduce the Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2024, which seeks to amend the Agriculture Appeals Act 2001. Its primary purpose is to establish an independent agricultural appeals review panel in law. As Deputies will be aware, the...”

More of Charlie McConalogue's recent appearances


These statistics are updated only each weekend. Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site.More about this)

  • Has spoken in 51 committee discussions and Dáil debates in the last year — below average among TDs.
  • Has received answers to 0 written questions in the last year — Ministers do not ask written questions.
  • People have made 0 comments on this TD's speeches — average among TDs.
  • This TD's speeches, in the printed record, are readable by an average 17–18 year old, going by the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score.
  • 12187 people are tracking whenever this TD speaks — email me whenever Charlie McConalogue speaks.
  • Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "public-private partnership") 1045 times in debates — well above average among TDs.
    (Yes, this is a silly statistic. We include it to draw your attention to why you should read more than just these numbers when forming opinions.)

Register of Members' Interests

1. Occupational Income
TD: Dáil Éireann.
3. Directorships
4. Land
Constituency office, 12 Market Square, Leterkenny, Co. Donegal: constituency office.
5. Gifts
6. Property and Service
7. Travel Facilities
8. Remunerated Positions
TD: Dáil Éireann.
9. Contracts

Register last updated: 11 Mar 2015. More about the Register

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